Monday, June 27, 2011

Why should you quit an organization?

Some food for thought, why should you quit an organization?

1> Lack of Information, its availability and access

Many companies have stated policies that senior management is very much accountable to junior most staff in organization, still large number of companies suffer from “Ignore Mail policy” where in senior management don’t respond to queries from employees directly or through their Office. New age companies such as Infosys have been known for their accountability and responsiveness shown by senior members of the company. If a company doesn’t evolve a mechanism where voice from ground is heard and responded, then that company is not worth y for your talent and time.

2> No roadmap for career progression

If you don’t see a short term /long term career path and how can you tread that to reach to a goal then leave the company. If you don’t know what you will become 5 yrs /10 yrs/20 yrs down the line in an organization, then those organizations can never give you a career roadmap. It will be all confusion and maze, which will keep you non focused on your dreams and goals.

3>No Variable Pay

As we know, variable pay is added to one’s pay structure to motivate and incentivize individual performance and aligning the individual performance to achieve company’s goals. With variable pay, companies ensure that employees are geared towards profit orientation, more the company grows, more it gets profitable and higher the variable pay to employees. That’s why you find Sales and senior management jobs have bigger variable component in their compensation in order to drive them towards higher Performance. Hence, think twice why should not continue in your organization.

4>No Profit orientation

What is the difference between a mail dispatch department and Product Management department? One is internally focused other looks externally. One is cost center other is geared toward customers orientation and profit generation. If you work in a cost center think twice, there is higher chance that you are rewarded more for your efforts in a profit center than in a cost center

5>Where Bosses don’t create leaders?

An environment which gives birth to natural leadership is essence of long lasting organizational setup. If there is shortage of leaders, where leaders are not created where leaders are not recognized and groomed then perhaps the place will suffer from lack of growth or unmanageable growth.

6>where you can’t inspire and get inspired (lack of mentor)

Mentorship is absolutely essential. It is required not only at junior levels but all levels. Higher you go more is need for a structured and unstructured mentorship. Chanda Kochhar talks but how KV Kamath groomed her to be in his shoes . Mentoring helps eliminate barriers and enables a cultural continuity. Mentoring clear doubts, gives a direction to mentee’s aspirations, and enables mentors to be always in touch with organizational human dynamics. Good mentors are few but organizations should create an environment where mentors are produced and mentors easily seek and find mentees. So if you don’t have mentor, can’t find one, you guessed right, quit the organization.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very useful information n nice blog .. keep updating :)

Abinash Pradhan