“Tata” name is ubiquitous in XLRI as if XLRI is run by Tata Sons. Every class gets mention of “Tata word”. Almost very professor has given examples from various Tata Companies. Prof. Jittu Singh has worked in Tata Steel. Prof. A Gangopdhyay is currently doing an assignment for Tata’s in South Africa.
Jamshedpur is full of Tata companies. Local people and institutions have grown with the growth of Tata. It is incredible to know that there has never been a problem in Jamshedpur with regard to pollution or labor unions. While teaching Financial Leverage, Prof. Sengupta gave Tata steel’s example to explain the concept.
We never have to think very far. We get all kinds of example from Tata Group of companies. MIS and Strategy class found mention of TCS’s Global Delivery Model. Prof. Sarosh Gandhy, who is former Tata employee and proud Jamshedpur denizen, shared interesting stories from Tata Steel. My Marketing group gave presentation on Tata Nano case. Not only did we discuss Tata motors in class, but also got chance to visit Tata Motors’s Jamshedpur factory. It was a rare occasion to see “The World Truck” getting assembled.
Adventure trip, the unique aspect of GMP program was organized by TSAF, Tata Steel Adventure Foundation. In a guest lecture arranged by Prof. Smitu Malhotra, Mr. N.K Sharan taught us how commodity like Steel Rebars was branded as Tata Tiscon Rebar.
With Ranjay and Sudesh in class, understanding perspectives on Quality and Operations in Tata Steel is never an issue. In fact, I got chance to see LD shop in Tata Steel where Ranjay worked before. Few days back, Mr. M H Patel from TRF enlightened us on TQM.
I feel this symbiotic relationship of Tatas with XLRI is beautiful with no parallels in India.
besides the Jampot connections, one of the reasons is, perhaps, also this:
@ The Theme - Thank you for shring the link..
Jampot has had serious environment problems. Red Dust from TISCO has caused high prevalence of respiratory problems.
And the labour problems of the Tata's are legendary, dating before independence. PhD thesis have been written on the interventions of the congress thro Netaji and the assassinations of union leaders by strike breakers from UP.
Which world do you live in. It would be wonderful if you could stand at any TISCO gate to see the extortion taht goes on from contractors.
How come Pollution Board/Environment regulators don't serve notice to TATA Steel for Red Dust pollution?
I am not going back into pre independence or past, Whatever, I have heard from Jampots, I have shared on the blog.
Tata's employee and worker centric rules date back to time when no such laws(Gratuity and 8hr shift) existed in the country.
Focus should not always be on half glass empty but sometimes on half glass full as well.
If workers are given their due, then why don't you and other like minded people protest against Labour commissioner or Govertment of Jharkhand, it seems companies are easy targets for any kind of protest.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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